Money isn't always a sensitive topic. People who have a lot of it don't tend to get triggered when wages begin to be discussed. However, if you've ever lived paycheck to paycheck you know the anxiety that immediately follows the mentioning of finances. It's so easy to hide as well, money struggles. There are a million excuses to get out of some kind of event you can't pay for, especially during this past year. But if you love someone, and they live a more luxurious life, sometimes you pretend to have a little more than you actually do because, well, you're in love and you want to spend time with them... The only thing is that if they've always been wealthy, they may not always understand that kind of sacrifice.
It was Reddit user u/curemeofit who took to the 'Am I The A-Hole' community to ask if they were in the wrong for inviting their girlfriend on an expensive vacation and expecting her to pay half of all expensive even though she has less money. Oh lord.
The OP begins by providing some much-needed backstory. This was a vacation with his entire family and he invited his girlfriend to join along. He clearly knows she is not as affluent as everyone else in the family, yet still doesn't understand why this might be a struggle for her...
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