
Iconic Nicki Minaj Song Lyrics We Religiously Abide By

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    'Clap for the heavyweight, champ, me! But I couldn’t do it all alone - we!' (Moment 4 Life, 2010)

    Nicki's not exactly known for being humble, but she gives credit where credit is due in her now-decade old hit. She acknowledges that she couldn't have reached this "moment 4 life" milestone" without her dedicated fans, the powers that be, and of course, her boy toy Drake, who is also featured on this song. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's still shipping them since they shared a magical Disney kiss in this music video.

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    'Somebody please tell him who the F I is” (Super Bass, 2010)

    Boy better know how lucky he is that Nicki is giving him the time of day. This is the kind of energy I need every time I decide to grace a guy with my attention.

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    'You could be the king but watch the queen conquer' (Monster, 2010)

    Nicki's Monster verse is arguably her most iconic verse of all time, so it was challenging to pick just one lyric from this gem. She's a queen, she knows it, and he better recognize. I don't know about you guys, but I'll be using this quote for all my future Instagram captions as I conquer the world one step at a time.

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    'Pink wig, thick a**, give ‘em whiplash' (Another fire lyric from Monster)

    Okay, I lied, but I couldn't pick just one from Monster. I used this lyric as an Instagram caption for this year's Nicki Minaj costume, because it was the most Nicki-esque lyric I've heard. This look is what she's known for, and it describes the deep impact her style has had on us all. Thanks to Nicki, I'm known for giving my coworkers whiplash everyday with my questionable style because I'm always staying true to myself.

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    'Oh my gosh, look at her butt' (Anaconda, 2014)

    Knowing Anaconda by heart is one of my best party tricks. After all, it's the ultimate body positivity anthem. We love how this lyric puts other women's awesome butts right in the spotlight, especially when it was originally used to put down big butts in Sir Mix-A-Lot's original bop Baby Got Back.

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    'The night is still young, and so are we' (The Night Is Still Young, 2014)

    Leave it to Nicki to come up with the cure to my anxiety about aging. Whenever I'm feeling like life is just passing me by, I just repeat this mantra to myself. This song alone is the skincare you need. After listening to this song on repeat, my skin is as soft as a baby's bottom.

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    'I am the generous queen! Ask Ms. Ellen' (No Frauds, 2017)

    Also leave it to Nicki to name-drop Ellen Degeneres just because she can. In case you missed it in Monster, Nicki is still the queen of rap, and no one can take that title away from her. 

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    'B*tches must be eating ass, ‘cause I swear they’re bottom feeders' (Plain Jane, 2017)

    A line so clever that I plan to use it on every loser who does me wrong in the future. Thanks, Nicki.

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    'Nickname is Nicki, but my name ain’t Nicole' (Rake It Up, 2017)

    Asserting her dominance as per usual in this one. Only true Nicki fans know that Nicki's real name is Onika. All hail Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty.

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    'I ain't tryna be violent, but if Nicki on it, it slaps, hoe' (MotorSport, 2018)

    This lyric holds true for every single song she's featured on. There are so many songs out there that would objectively suck without Nicki's presence (including Motorsport), and she knows it. Nicki simply slaps, and that's a fact.

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    'Want the Nicki cheat code? Come on, b*tch, nice try' (Barbie Tingz, 2018)

    Just give us the cheat code, Nicki. It's the least you could do for a mega-fan. I've been trying to decipher it for over a decade now.

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    'They need rappers like me!' (Chun Li, 2018)

    She's just stating the obvious here. Be integral when it comes to what you do, just like Nicki has become integral to the rap scene.

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    'My name is Baddie, Baddie, I keep it tight for zaddy' (Megatron, 2019)

    So eloquent in this banger. We're all just baddies out here looking for the zaddies of our dreams. Don't let your dreams be dreams, says Nicki.

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    'Ain’t no more booty calls, you need to jack off' (Tulsa, 2020)

    When he doesn't treat you right, the punishment is swift. Do like Nicki and cut that toxic dick energy out of your life today.

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    'I fell back, I had a baby, you know, I did the mother thing, I did the wife thing… but I think it’s quite clear now, you's need the bad guy' (Fractions, 2021)

    In her latest, Nicki proves that you could have your cake and eat it too. Fellow Barbz - this is a sign to never let anything get in your way. Manifest Nicki Minaj lyrics on a daily basis, and everything else will simply fall into place.


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