Craziest Pet Stories: ICanHasCheezburger Edition (Part 2)

  • 01
    Font - Christy Williams Well, at least you didn't roll up your comforter and stuff it the bag and bring it down to the laundry mat, wondering how you could possibly be so out of shape that a bag filled with sheets and a comforter could feel so heavy to you, only to discover that it's your cat, when you hear someone scream out, "OHHHH LOOK!?! THERE'S A CAT IN HERE!!!!"
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  • 02
    Font - Tessa Van Beeck I was watching tv while eating crisps, while my dog was sleeping on the couch next to me, got up to go to the toilet leaving the bag of crisps in the couch, got back from the toilet, got myself a drink, sat back down to my sleeping dog and reached for the bag of crisps Bag was empty, dog was still pretending to be asleep (even tho I saw her opening her eyes slightly when she realised she got busted) Another time was eating something and talking to my hubby, at some point I
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    Font - 44 Jason Gwin One morning when I was a kid, we were driving to school and started hearing a weird noise about half a mile from leaving our house. It got louder and sounded like meowing. Stopped the car, popped the hood, our tabby had jumped up into the engine bay during the night. She was okay, just a bit indignant about traveling so and the engine being too hot for her liking.
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    Font - Katelynn Corrigan Jason Gwin My family had a cat that jumped into someone's engine and rode in there for like 15-20 minutes to their house and then they found him when they got home and bring him back lol. He was completely fine except for a little burnt whisker They had to turn around
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  • 05
    Font - Heather Hendricks-Thurber I had a cat that NEVER ate human food. One day I got an Arby's roast beef sandwich. I left the room for a minute and came back to her eating my sandwich. I wanted to be mad but just couldn't because it must have smelled really good for her to actually eat human food.
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    Font - John Lansford My dad visited his mom one winter weekend to make sure she was ok, then drove back home that evening. It was a 2+ hour drive so it was dark and cold when he got home. As he was walking back to the house he heard a 'meow?" coming from his truck. He looked inside the hood and there was a terrified young cat sitting on one of the engine supports. It had climbed in there while he was visiting his mother and stayed there the whole time he drove home, afraid to jump out or move. H
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    Font - Judy Hartman #1, my Abysinian would get in the 'fridge EVERY time (I had more cat hair in my "fridge than the average person) and had to be dragged out, so one day I shut him in there, in the cold and dark, for a minute to teach him a lesson, but he was not bothered at all.
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  • 08
    Font - Auriga Tarantino Monkey, my 3-4 month old kitten crawled into my backpack and hitched a ride halfway to work. Had to call in that l'd be late.
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    Font - Mathius Olson I like the hamster story because my roommates cat opened my gerbil cage to eat her and when the gerbil escaped her my cat grabbed her like a kitten and brought her to me!
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    Font - Fzah Ruslan My cat would always pack 1 or 2 kibbles in my work shoes. Guess for lunch at work ?


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