Imagine having the gall in the first place to ask your neighbor if you can park your vehicle in their driveway… blocking access to their garage and on their private property. Then, to be repeatedly told a very firm and clear "No" only to do it anyway? That is just a new level of brazen, pig-headed, entitled insanity.
Alright, buckle up for one and get your reading glasses on because it is a doozy of a tale, and this gal knows how to tell a story at length. It is well worth a read, though, because this neighbor takes the entitlement knob and turns it UP.
I'm not sure if this one is reaching new lows or heights, but it's certainly one of the two.
When u/Jeleki2020, who is a single mother, had new neighbors move in next door she didn't expect that things could go so poorly. She made a point of immediately going over to their house and introducing herself to them in order to start the relationship on the right foot.
They seemed friendly enough, and u/Jeleki2020 left feeling pretty hopeful.
The issues began with the way that the large family was handling their four vehicles. Their garage was full of stuff so they had all four of the vehicles in their driveway.
When one of the sons turned 16 they got him a new truck.
That's when they began insisting that they park it in her driveway.
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