I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Lab Worker Inundated Daily With Funny Dog Names: Requests To Keep 'Em Coming

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    Font - I just started a new job where I look at funny dog names ALL. DAY. [Discussion] Last week I began working for a company that does a lot of different genetic testing and stuff. My job is just to sort through the samples and enter them into the system, so l'm not doing any of the actual testing. However the first thing I got trained on, and all I've been doing since, is a service that determines your dogs breed makeup through a swab you use to take a sample from your dogs mouth. The package

    Ms. Boogie has one simple request: "Please keep naming your dogs weird things, I love it so much. Also, if you send in a swab sample somewhere for your pet, you can send a picture…we might keep it and put it on our wall." Who are we to refuse?

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    Font - damnsoftwiggleboy · 1d Hahaha this is amazing. Do you have a favourite one so far? Or a top 3? G Reply 1 33 ms_boogie OP • 1d Hmmm I don't wanna give away too many names because they get specific and we do want to protect our clients - but I did get to enter a swab for a lil guy named Peanut Butter Butthole. I hope that dog has a happy, long life. I think about it constantly now. 136
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    Product - BlueShoeLover · 1d Kelpie/Doberman have a large, black, pointy-eared, resting bitch face, Doberman/Kelpie cross.. his name is Cake. G Reply 135 ms_boogie OP · 1d I WISH I could see pictures of the dogs whose samples get sent in e I have to just come up with what I think they look like. And I would hope a dog named Cake would look exactly like your dog LOLLLL 4 42 ...

    BlueShoeLover describes a doggo named Cake that is so large, so black, so pointy-eared and with such a phenomenal resting bitch face that we are left feeling exactly like OP. We NEED to see pictures of all the doggos behind these crazy names!

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    Organism - SnooFoxes1884 · 1d Well, I had to call my little guy, Bob Barker. Reply 1 353 ms_boogie OP • 1d thank you for your service to the world, I'm sure Bob barker has a wonderful happy life e 88

    Bob Barker has a wonderful happy life indeed!

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    Product - katyvo · 1d I have a cat named Dale. The vet staff goes crazy when bring him in, in part because he is adorable and has a little metal bowtie nametag, and in part because he sounds like he would be a 40+ year old American man with a beer gut, but is, in fact, a cat. 6 Reply 1 117 + czechhoneybee · 1d Your description of Human Dale is exactly my cousin Dale. I humbly request you give Cat Dale a tiny trucker hat. |+ 62 ...
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    Product - Stormallthetime · 1d I've had a beagle named Beaglejuice, a chihuahua named Growlithe, a shepherd named Solace. Currently have a lab named Captain Slobbers, Shepherd named Wolfgang, cat named Kuroneko. 6 Reply 1 176 ms_boogie OP · 1d I just scanned a Houndour the other day!! I love it hahaha. I get so excited. But Beaglejuice is genius, I'm going to think about that for days now... 4 57 3
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    Rectangle - MickLittle · 1d My dog's full name is Little Mick's Wild Adventure. G Reply 19 + ms_boogie OP · 1d i teared up...I love it...
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    Font - FrancisFriday • 1d My two are Francis Bacon and Eleanor Roosevelt. 6 Reply 1 37 3
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    Rectangle - Loushea • 1d My mini dachshund is Brangelina. She is 12 years old now and her name has made many people chuckle over the years. G Reply 1 86 +
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    Font - savtaytex • 1d Not exactly a dog this time but my lizards are pebbles and bam bam. Cause they are rock monitors. I realize how lame I am lol. G Reply 1 55 3
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    Rectangle - slimepvnk24 · 1d My boy's named Greg. Or Gregory if he's in trouble. Middle name Allman G Reply 1 96 3
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    Font - HowNowBrownSow16 • 1d We have Polly Prissypants (sometimes called Pollywog or P-Wog when she is working on her rap album). Our plan is to get a brother and name him Clyde Frog! Ya, my husband and I watch a lot of South Park, haha Reply 1 12 3 +
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    Font - mgrover28 · 1d We have a beagle named Django Unchained. That's his name after the movie. He is literally an unchained psychopath. Wildest dog l've ever own. We also have a pitbull/lab who goes by anything but her "legal" name. So we basically call her chocolate chunk. Reply 1 13


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