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Nobody can force someone to buy a car, but being without a car presents a pretty significant disadvantage for people anywhere in the world that lacks proper local transit. Some people don't like to drive, but most people do know how to drive — which is more than this Redditor can say. U/throwawaydrivingl7 posted to the popular subreddit r/AmITheAsshole to share their frustrating story of refusing to learn to drive and putting a burden on his girlfriend, who clearly grew sick of having to drive her boyfriend everywhere. When the OP in this story received driving lessons as a birthday gift, he said he didn't like it — completely missing the point.
It's not too hard to read between the lines and see that even if this guy's gf essentially "bought herself a gift," it's definitely something that's important to her. Honestly, unless there is some sort of medical reason why someone can't drive a car, everyone should really know how to drive one. As one Redditor pointed out in the comments, what is the OP going to do in an emergency situation if his GF can't drive him?
For some more domestic bliss, here's the guy who refused to do dishes so his wife stopped doing chores to make a point.
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