It's pretty misleading to call them bundles of joy, because having a baby is probably one of the most stressful things that a person can experience. Keeping a tiny human alive and not going insane while you do so can put a lot of strain on a relationship.
However, as new parents it is important to try and create a mutual understanding, and help each other out wherever possible. This seems to be the exact opposite of what u/Rob_McDonald677 has done with his wife after he took to r/AmITheAsshole to complain that he wanted to spend more time with his newborn son.
Explaining that he had suggested that his wife switch from breastfeeding to formula to allow him more bonding time, his post paints a picture with a worrying lack of empathy for a partner communicating that she is stressed and struggling. Not surprisingly, Redditors were clear on which side of the a**hole spectrum he fell. It really doesn't pay to be the wrong kind of mommy's boy.