Pet Pig Sparks Neighborhood Feud: Reddit Debates Pigs As Pets

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    It All Started With This Conversation...

    Product - Messages Meghan-2A Detail Hey, did I just see you outside walking a PIG?? Yes, she's our pet. :) You can't seriously think it's a good idea to have a smelly disgusting pig in our building, can you? Given some of the men we've seen you bring home at 2am, I'm not sure l get your point.
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  • 02

    Understandably, people had a wholeeee lotta thoughts on the subject.

    Font - octnoir Fun fact about pigs - in the wild they are quite clean, and arguably smarter and better than dogs. Pigs just don't have sweat glands which means if they need something to cool off their body temperature they might use water or the dirt. And in the worst cases where we deliberately force them into small pens where they have to shit, then yeah they need to use excrement to cool off. Beats dying of heat exhaustion.
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    Font - Ehcksit Pigs don't smell bad on their own. They smell bad if the farm they're on has them living in their own shit and they don't bathe. Just like those men.
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    Font - LopsidedYam5 A former friend of mine became vegan except they would eat fish and pork. The rational for pork is that pigs are happy rolling around in shit and would do so in the wild so it's NBD the way they are treated on farms. Now that they are a former friend I wish I could call them on that bullshit.
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  • 05
    Font - Quit-itkr Actually. I beg to differ. I had a roommate once and he had a friend who was taking his doctorate exams to be an MD. He had a Taiwanese pot bellied pig, named George H W Bush. Well we agreed to watch little George for a few weeks while his master studied. They do smell, in fact their smell is the one most prevalent on a farm. They are clean and they dont smell so bad it's unbearable but they are the unmistakable stink on a farm. The more of them you have the worse it gets. It's
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    Font - CollinZero Neighbour has a pig. Pot bellied. We're on a farm so it's not... too bad. The pig is surprisingly unstinky. Less than the dogs. She drools a lot though and food - everywhere. Biggest drawback is the fist-sized bombs of pig shit (and she's only half grown) around their yard. Now there's snow and she is refusing to go outside so they have to really struggle to get her out. If you try and pick her up she SCREAMS like a crack banshee. I can hear her in their house from my barn.
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    Font - TSchab20 They are smart as all get out and may be easy to train (though I've never tried it), but they are generally very stubborn and I can't see the vast majority of them performing those tricks as reliably as a dog would. They sort of have an "I do what I want (said in the voice of Cartman)" type of attitude. My father in law has two large pig barns that I unfortunately am required to help with and the pigs know the routine (like when to move from one pen to another, etc.), but many ti
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  • 08
    Font - LovelyOtherDino Pigs are really smart and clean, in general, as much as they can be without knowing how to use a flush toilet. If they smell bad it's the owner's fault, like any other animal. They don't inherently smell bad. And I, too, sound like a crack banshee if someone tries to force me out into the snow when I'm warm and cozy indoors, lol
  • 09
    Font - mooimafish3 Yea I had a pig in a suburb growing up. They are smart, they just don't like to be picked up. My pig would sometimes get through the gate and walk around for a while before coming home. They eat plant based foods so the poop isn't very smelly but it is big. Really the biggest issue was the pee. They can be trained just like a dog, but if they ever have any accidents you end up with about a gallon of weird smelling pee on the floor. Also they will of course eat everything so ke
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    Font - ISNGRDISOP I would be so annoyed getting comment like that about my pet. Seriously, as long as the pet stays quiet enough that neighbors can sleep and doesn't shit in the common areas, it's not their business what others have as a pet. (Assuming it's all legal of course)
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  • 11
    Font - -cupcake Yes and no. Pigs are very clever/smart animals, which means they require a lot of mental stimulation else they get bored. A smart animal means you can train it, right? But pigs are also stubborn. They'll do what they want to get their way. Which includes piercingly loud scream/shrieking. Pigs instinctively root around in the dirt with their snouts. What will a bored pig do? Root around and destroy your home. And the typical pot bellied pig (no, there's no such thing as a "teacup
  • 12
    Font - BulkyBear 1. This is the fakest conversation I've ever seen 2. It's prime material to show how low this subs become Not wanting a pig in an apartment (which I'm guessing is against rules) isn't crazy.


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