15+ Weird, Funny And F’d Up Childhood Journal Entries

  • 01

    Diary Of A Childhood Bully

    Handwriting - March Isto 2010 March Isty201a Monday ye gotr toll At lunch Digna accidentiy droed her, cheeze stick and, I Step on * didn't Know it was at there, and,now it's all stuck to ny Thoe Thats really a where SAatchedit Qut, of her hand and threw it on the groagd Then began "steping on it.
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  • 02

    Big L For Mr. Revell

    Handwriting - What i# Mr Rerell's Glass eue fife fel Our C t Nould be so BLAHRIAHBAHREFFERAL PLAH OLAH BLAH BLAH SUSDENSONDLAHBLAH/ TOr BPAYS BLAHBLA he bels tineeing Chuckie m the Staviachin Not o nentigne He's a npervert or maube STUDID DORHY Revell, faves to TCHY SWESTER KUGLY ARGYLE SWEATER and Ceak giveout refferdls TWEARS SAME BLACK PANTS
  • 03

    Me, Me, Me

    Handwriting - GREET INGS, SARAH. Haha just joking nothing senious in here. This is officialy my oun ME BOOK!! Well, in case I grow up and forget myself T, T which is stupicl. #1: I se isuck @ r'drawing cats. M.
  • 04
    Handwriting - 24 Aug 2011, 12i55 am Cont sieep! My head is So itchy! I have dandruf. many dandraf Nut be bcos that time! Umar spray gels or what hari te on my
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  • 05

    They Are Terrifying

    Handwriting - but mesny pORe MoYcards poke mon cards Me faworit food is know what im Like Staek Ord now you P.S Pim atrad Of girls
  • 06

    Take A Chill Pill

    Handwriting - like bikh just Stop my and calu do wn, I know you bme mentally unstakle but don't make it obulous:
  • 07

    She's Got The Gossip

    Handwriting - నుగ పి are dating? Noway! Anyusay, my muin.gota Honda s Sundaystune Bo7 Dear Dialy Efron and Vanessa Anne Hudgens blue arrd has satelite GPS. My
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  • 08

    Wingdings Files For Copyright Infringement

    Handwriting - librang dme. which was TOTALLY gained 4 dops, saCibied ine nidh me, what is mone bettee Thad 4 Sas hionab le shyish ToPs So cool I bnow my Sahack2 ight A I ( black at, t R in H V A M Toodles,
  • 09

    They're A Toxic Habit

    Handwriting - Obay Six days a-ge to gtve up on every toy Now 10/6/14 decided d ever Wked. again. and
  • 10

    Is This Anarcho-Primitivism?

    Handwriting - ENVISION A PERFECT WORLD No, the world isn't perfect. But suppose it were. Describe, in as much de- tail as you can, what you imagine a perfect world would be like. In my perfect world, there would be no cther pecple weuld make my own food and clother. wold (we Comptetely of the land. The animals would be triendly and never harmed There would be no pollution and the only tme
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  • 11

    An Essential Life Skill

    Handwriting - 223. Jam01994 Javo rverks Saga I went Austrla. ln dustria I avent to ske school. won a he tuar'leya On Satunday did molthing On 8undoy l revent ond leauned die. savimmings how to
  • 12

    Nothing Makes Us So Lonely As Our Secrates

    Handwriting - 07e gou My secrate Caggemint Pnd plense Bon't ofen this it's a Gbad habit pas o Isecrate Heaselfox SULTING TECHNOLOGY, OUTSOURCING God say's /don't open Dany
  • 13

    Looking After #1

    Handwriting - Seven year old Shireen feels bad for others, but mostly she feels bad for ?m in herself ight Why is this so pori ng? s 2:30 AMin Central time which is the time I a really jusly, now. boving , in. My mncles are uaiting Jut, F pica ma I cedel realu gli sorry for them. But T amcorry for Myself. Ameria' Ź Dond Moer 4
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  • 14

    Emo Phase Incoming

    Brown - Life a nr proplems
  • 15

    Anonymous Agony Aunt

    Handwriting - -> Dec 0o Atoo, 30,2014 Dear diarye, Im Starting a youtube channel, Im hot gouny Shaw myface thougpt Im te adricé on Singerely, Angre younr All of the abave
  • 16

    Sensing A Pattern

    Handwriting - My hobbies and intergate I like reading, crauing paindings leping and eating june Soode My lites and dislikes. I like" yriting, fooling aroud a spending my alone I Pollbe runntngibeing wokan upand ecting vegetables, time
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  • 17

    The Classic Tenth Life Crisis

    Brown - Jamny 24% 200 4 days till I 'm 10. 10!! Sometemes I fee/so lonk@y.Sometimes I feel BEST PARTIES AND ENTERTAINMENT


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