Woman Gets Passed Up For Job Because Of Her Voicemail

  • 01
    Human body - ogashleystate After hearing your VM recording, gotta say you dodged a bullet. That guy has O personality.
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  • 02
    Eye - itsmariahskye “nO NeeD tO GivE Us a CalL Back" o he was so hype saying that
  • 03
    Human body - lexiibear46 We are not born to work and die, we are meant to enjoy our lives. Companies like to think they own you.
  • 04
    Human body - metzicat why does everything we do need to be "professional" for work? like that's our only purpose in life?
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  • 05
    Rectangle - surenwrap I would never want to work wherever this is. PP
  • 06
    Human body - kylahalyce "Sorry Miss Jones, we see you have an actual personality and we're looking more for corporate robots. It's a no from us"
  • 07

    Commenters were shocked when Zanaya revealed the offending voicemail.

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  • 08
    Smile - laniquetreasury Are you seriouse he acting as if ur using a bunch of foul words, it's literally ur personality, he wants a robot to work for him, his loss
  • 09
    Human body - enchantress_kay Lmao . This voicemail is childish but it shouldn't have stopped you from getting a job. He's miserable. Be glad you didn't get hired.
  • 10
    Human body - teedee31 Oh nah that was racially motivated smh this voicemail is not bad lol
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  • 11
    Facial expression - fitbumpy This shows carefree fun/happiness. To me...the only reason he wouldn't like this or understand is bc racial biases.
  • 12
    Font - kvndrakay Girl. It's not even that bad!
  • 13
    Dress - my_sunandstars That's your PERSONAL phone Not everybody has a cell and a work phone


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