Woman Cuts Her Off The Fur Of Her In Laws' Cat Without Asking: Reddit Weighs In

  • 01
    Font - AITA for cutting the fur of my grandparent in laws cat?
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  • 02
    Font - So, my husbands grandparents have this beautiful cat named willow. Willow has extremely long and thick fur, and is very susceptible to matting. And for the past 8 or so months I have watched the poor thing develop small mats everywhere and have been watching them grow. Ever
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    Font - since I noticed them appear I told them that she needs to be brushed so they don't grow bigger. They ignored me and said that Willow can take care of them herself. And while house sitting for them, I decided it was enough. Poor baby had 3 mats the size of golf balls and at least a dozen smaller ones.
  • 04
    Font - So I spent 3 hours carefully cutting them out and making sure I didn't nick her skin. They came back and were pissed at me because I wasn't going to watch Willow suffer. My husband said it was the right thing to do but they are so upset even though I did them a favor and saved them a groomers bill. And
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  • 05
    Font - saved them a groomers bill. And their ability to groom an animal is not hindered. They have 2 border collies and another long fur that they brush. Not to mention they are pretty active for their age. I know it is their pet, but it wasn't fair to Willow.
  • 06
    Font - Obvious_Ad_8068 · 11h ago NTA. But the owners of this poor cat are Grade A A-holes. 126 Reply Share
  • 07
    Font - SecondRain123 · 11h ago Partassipant [1] NTA, normally I'd say leave other people's pets alone but matting can be painful for cats! You did the right thing
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  • 08
    Font - ParsimoniousSalad · 11h ago Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [313] Long-haired cats cannot work through their own mats, and they are painful for them. You are quite correct on this! A groomer would have had to cut them out too if they'd gotten so bad. Your grandparents in law need some education on best care of long- haired cats. NTA
  • 09
    Font - WrongEntertainment42 · 11h ago Partassipant [1] NTA, if the cat was able to do it herself then she wouldn't be getting mats all over.
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    Font - LadyArticuno · 11h ago NTA, you did the right thing. Elderly tend to kinda not always have the best judgement. They might be ticked but they'd be fairly upset if their cat became so matted it could barely walk.
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  • 11
    Font - Deep-Membership-9258 · 7h ago Definitely NTA. Long haired cats get matted SO BAD! A friend had a Persian years ago that hated to be groomed and they had to have her done under sedation at the vets. (Our current floof is half Norwegian forest cat and will come trotting up to you if you wave her brush while singing brushie-brushie to the tune of rubber duckie from Sesame Street. She will also pat you on the leg and yell if she thinks it's too long (like...5 minutes...) since you last brushe
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    Font - MrsTBorst · 11h ago Partassipant [3] NTA - you absolutely did the right thing. Matted fur for cats can be very uncomfortable and in some instances quite painful. Cats can let their grooming slide a bit as they get older but as a cat owner, it's your responsibility to take care of them. I had a long haired cat and as she got older, I arranged for a cat groomer to come once a month. She didn't like it at first (probably because she didn't like water) but after a couple of occasions she didn


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