Any job has a complex cast of characters who are too well aware of how they're being screwed over. It doesn't really matter the place. It could be a restaurant, shoe store, marketing firm or cancer research institute. Just about anywhere, there are jaded coworkers who not only had to work hard to get to where they are, and work hard every day, but are also simultaneously treated like garbage. It feels like something that shouldn't be a thing in a functioning society, but hey, where would progress be if we weren't constantly discontent with everything around us? At least that's the nice way of looking at it.
Airports are stressful, yet boring places with lots of rules. And that's just if you're a customer. Working in a liminal space must be an even weirder concept to wrap your head around. That's why some insight is a nice thing. And sometimes it takes a disgruntled airline worker to point those things out. So here are some observations of your friendly neighborhood cheap airline.
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