Entitled Boss Loses It When Vacationing Employee Is Unreachable

  • Get ready for a long and disappointing story.

    Rectangle - r/AmltheAsshole u/confusedwmployee · 1d 1 1 S 14 1 9 8 8 AITA for turning my work phone off on vacation? Not the A-hole I don't even believe I have to ask this but I'm a bit worried about how things are going to go Tuesday.
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  • Font - I recently moved to another team with the company l've worked with for the last two and a half years. Before I got promoted I had this last week booked off to visit my sister and first niece which was a big deal to me. I'm also in Canada and this Monday is already a holiday as it's family day. The new team was informed as well but I could tell my new supervisor was annoyed by it. He even asked if I could reschedule but I said I could not. I already had to wait a month to meet my niece bec
  • Font - My last day of work was Monday and l'm supposed to be back on Tuesday. Monday when I got to the airport I turned off my work phone. This week with my sister and little niece has been incredible but extremely busy! I barely have had any interest checking my own phone because of all the catching up and baby time and just relaxing. I had noticed a call from a number I didn't recognise on Wednesday but I didn't think much of it. Today we are having a lazy day and I decided to flip my work pho
  • Font - I checked my phone voicemail and the unknown number was him saying he "hoped there was a damn good excuse for why I was off the grid" if I wanted to keep my job. He even started out the voicemail with "I'm so sorry you're in the hospital because that's the only reason I should be needing to hunt you down like this." In slack I had a few dms from coworkers I feel I get along with saying I need to reply ASAP because my absence was impacting them with how mad our boss was. This is my first t
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  • The subreddit was more than happy to provide some wisdom.

    Font - BabY_pot4to • 1d Partassipant [4] 7 Awards Jesus, NTA. Keep the messages and go to HR. You were on an approved vacation. He has no right to your time when you're off the clock. 6 Reply 1 26.3k ...
  • Font - NurseRobyn · 1d Absolutely right! If they take the work phone from you, you will definitely want those messages saved on your personal phone. Good advice 162 ...
  • Product - loCAtek • 1d Also when you contact HR; try to communicate through email. Email is easier to save for a paper trail and is permissible in court. 4 99 3 mataliandy • 20h And CC or BCC those emails to your PERSONAL address, so you have readily-accessible copies in case you're dismissed. 4 17
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  • Font - overseas-mango • 1d Partassipant [2] 2 Awards NTA Also, if you were on vacation you can't get fired for not doing work. Go see HR when you get back. You can play dumb and ask for clarification about work expectations during PTO. This buys you time to look for another job. Your supervisor is a jerk and it's not going to get better. Plan your exit. 6 Reply 1 11.6k 3 ...
  • Font - patjames904 · 1d Supreme Court Just-ass [131] NTA. I found the following on the internet so not my words: "Europe: "I will be away taking my mandated by law six weeks paid vacation and it is illegal for you to disturb me during that time with work matters." America: "There is no mandatory paid vacation for any employee under federal law, and if our company is kind enough we might give you two weeks of paid vacation but just know that we will be contacting you nonstop while you are on vaca
  • Font - protogenic_ • 1d Asshole Aficionado [19] NTA It is your vacation time. You earned it as a time- off benefit to your company, and they need to respect that. It is on them if there are things that are left unanswered that they haven't sorted out after you leave on vacation. G Reply 1 3.2k 3 ...
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  • Font - Hippocampus-Krampus · 1d Partassipant [2] NTA. I recently just sued my employer for harassment for contacting me while I was on medical leave asking me when I was expected to return every 2-3 days through multiple avenues. They were told repeatedly to stop contacting me, and continued to do so. You have no obligation to respond to them. They're incompetent if they can't work without you. G Reply 4 2.5k 3 ...
  • The situation stunned so many people that it made its way to Twitter.

    Font - Aliza "Candy corn is delicious." @alizatw ... Replying to @ellle_em My take is going to be unpopular: Most workplaces assume non-entry level employees at least check in on vacation. The OP should have, at a minimum, notified her office if she planned to be unreachable on vacation, because that is absolutely not the default expectation. 10:29 AM · 2/21/22 · Twitter Web App
  • Font - hottiepants @punishedpants ... it's one thing if a place contacts you for an emergency but if you have a day off it should not be anticipated you're going to be reachable unless this is discussed and agreed upon prior to taking time off. the default should be if you're not in the office you're not working 2:06 PM · 2/21/22 · Twitter Web App 66 Likes
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  • Font - undervmountain // queen's got covid @undervmountain ... Replying to @ellle_em If they want you to be reachable for 24 hours, they should pay you 24 hours of wages. 6:43 AM · 2/21/22 · Twitter for Android 567 Retweets 9 Quote Tweets 19.5K Likes
  • Organism - Xandra Anderson Read My Blog @alexandapen Replying to @ellle_em My phone would be off too. Not my work hours, not my problem, and l'd tear them a new one first thing when I got back to work. 5:38 AM · 2/21/22 · Twitter for iPhone 62 Retweets 1 Quote Tweet 6,946 Likes


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