This young adult, who is quickly approaching his twenties, was recently presented with a problematic family situation and has turned to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit in an appeal to reason.
The young man in question, u/Jolysa, has been convinced by his family that he is wrong. But it is clear for all of us to see that he is the victim here.
u/Jolysa worked very hard to buy himself a new PS5 this past November, complete with all of the games he had wanted and an extra controller.
His cousin, who has autism, but is also very spoiled, wanted a PS5. He began to throw tantrums when his parents were unable to secure one for him, so u/Jolysa's mother took u/Jolysa's PS5 and gave it to the cousin.
u/Jolysa was shocked. How on earth could his mother do something like that?
At least all of the commenters seem to be in complete agreement on this one. His mother has stolen from him. Plain and simple. The PS5 was not hers to take and hit was not hers to give. End of story.
All we can to is hope that PS5 is able to retain control over his PS5 and find a way to get away from his toxic family.
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