AITA for refusing to kiss my husband's wound?
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This week, Reddit user u/NatalieFox309 has turned to the ever-popular r/AmItheA**hole subreddit in a cry for help from those with outward perspectives on her absurd situation.
She explains that whenever her 9-year-old son hurts himself, she is quick to offer a kiss to the injured area in order to comfort him and ease his reaction to the pain.
She is quick to clarify that she does not kiss the open wound directly. She just delivers a healing peck in the wound's general vicinity.
Enter stage right immature idiot husband
This guy comes into the wound-kissing game guns blazing. He suffered a chest wound which was an open mess, and needed dressing. Whist changing the dressing, he demanded that she kiss the open wound. When she declined, he continued to insist and began to ask why she was willing to do it for their son and not for him.
It's hard to say why he needs to compare himself to or demand the same treatment as a literal child but to each their own.
What's your read? Who is the a-hole here?
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