This aggressive "Chad" cringe-lord confronted a random guy on Venmo chat after he discovered a two-year-old transaction between the guy and Chad's fiancée.
This post was shared to the r/Cringetopia subreddit by u/Former-Billionaire, who is listed as "WG" in the messages. r/Cringetopia is a mixed-bag subreddit that hosts various cringe messages and situations that people have encountered or posted online. Occasionally, it spits out solid gold like this.
"This guy asking why I sent a Venmo to his fiancé over two years ago. He sent me $1 just to ask me." captions u/Former-Billionaire, adding some context to the situation.
This guy has built this overly aggressive persona because he is trying to hide his deep and dark insecurities. He's running from something, that's for sure. He is turning that self-loathing and anger into aggression towards others. People like this are the worst, and it just begs the question; are you actually a "Chad" if you're really just sad?
Chad is undoubtedly lacking in trust, along with a whole heap of other essential emotional skills, and he is determined to find the source of his fiancee's suspected infidelity. Actually, who knows what's going on inside that twisted mind.
We're going to choose to believe that "dare" is not "Drug Abuse Resistance Education" as u/Former-Billionaire claims it to be, but rather an elaborate game of "Truth or Dare" as suggested by u/404Wandering in the comments.
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