We hope that the idea that "women aren't funny" has finally been debunked. Not because it's an ignorant statement drenched in misogyny. Not because the only people who say it clearly suffer from fragile egos. Nope, we hope that assertion is well and gone because it's just wrong. It's 'fake news' if you're familiar with the term. We would love to reach a point where posting a list of funny Tweets written by women, is not such a political title. Because it's just us stating what it is.
If you were to get a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of how we get these Tweets together, it would look like a bunch of young women searching the internet and constantly chuckling at the thousands of hilarious women's Tweets we see every day. We are happy to share these with you because well, they're funny. Feel free to spread them around to other confident ladies as well.
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our YouTube Channel
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked