This trending Reddit post details a story of brutal revenge on a high school locker thief in the early 2000s. It has sparked discussions surrounding locker theft, and commenters have shared their own various stories.
Reddit user u/Dunnachius shared this story to the r/ProRevenge subreddit. A place where users go to share stories, such as this one, where someone got even in a big way. Tales from the subreddit are easily identified by the purple 'smiling face with horns' emoji that the sub uses as its icon.
u/Dunnachius describes the situation as it occurred at the time. When they became the target of a recurring locker thief during a crimewave at the school, their uncle Buddy, who was a detective, stepped in to get to the bottom of the case.
As a personal anecdote… In high school, I had my Nintendo DS stolen out of my PE locker by someone who I considered to be a friend. He was into drugs or something and was desperate for some cash. The weird thing was that he was from an extremely wealthy family and had no business stealing. I caught him red-handed when I responded to a suspicious Craigslist, and he responded with his email address. Dad took me over to his house and showed his father the emails, and the DS was promptly returned. I often wonder who else he was stealing from and know that we probably should have reported the incident to the school or police. But he was someone I had considered a friend, and, despite his actions, that seemed like an extreme measure.
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