These parents are like that kid on the playground that is always changing the rules of the game…
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Just like that entitled child, even when they bend the rules to meet their ends… Things still don't go their way. So, they turn to the tactic of demanding other kids' things to swing things back in their favor.
These insane parents are obsessed with and determined to maintain control. They, like so many other narcissistic parents you read about, have shaped their entire existence around the power that they possess over their children. Without it, they are nothing. So, more than anything else, they fear losing or having to relinquish this power. That's why, as you age, they are constantly coming up with new methods to control you.
This classic tactic presents itself in this story in the form of the obscene rent that the parents first attempted to impose on this child as soon as they possibly could.
It's incredible that these parents still turn around and wonder why their kids cut off all contact with them and refuse to look after them when they're older.
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