Courtship is a concept that has evolved drastically through the ages. The rules of the game are always changing, depending on what's going on during that time period. For example, the introduction of dating apps has significantly spiced up the dating pool because now we can meet people who live further away and aren't necessarily in our social circles. Of course, too much choice isn't always a good thing. Dating apps have changed the dating scene alright, for better or for worse. Because dating and relationships are always a relevant discussion because it's human nature to want to form a connection, everyone and their mother seem to have different opinions on the matter. Twitter user @aChildOf2Worlds woke up in the mood to start some drama and make a hot mess, so he asked his Twitter community to tweet their most 'cancellable' thoughts on dating, and people definitely didn't hold back. Take a look below, and let us know if you agree with any of the takes in the comment section.
Let's dive in and get messy.
Even though being in open relationships is a known concept, not everyone understands it, especially people that are all about monogamy.
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