
Elders Express Gratitude to Gen Y In Refreshingly Wholesome 'Boomer Vs. Millennial' Moment


“Hello millennials and your entitled ways” Posted by u/lizzietnz

The comment section

Other Baby Boomers and Gen Xers chimed in to express their appreciation for Millennials. 

“On the flip side, it's pleasant and refreshing to see older people who aren't just like 'you kids just don't get how good it is'” said u/LionMcTastic.

“If only it was a generational thing: my 2 former bosses are both younger than me (mid-millennials, I’m a geriatric one too) and can’t stop talking about how bad quiet quitting is and how great it is to work super hard etc. However, I’m glad that more and more of our generation are seeing work for what it is: a means to buy food en enjoy your free time. I’ve moved my work life back to Europe and the difference is striking” said u/WalloonNerd.

“Is there anything more annoying than folks from our generation who act/sound like they’re chasing boomer approval saying things like that?” said u/everlasting_bastard.

“Thank you. There are a lot of us. But there are two types of HR people. But I suppose that's like any profession. The 'white shoe' car salesperson vs. the solutions focussed salesperson. The customer rep who lies vs. the customer rep who follows through. The car mechanic who uses genuine parts vs. the cowboy.” said OP.

After processing the flood of comments, OP made an update to their post, which read, “EDIT: Thanks for all the engagement. It was great to hear your views - those in favour and those who propose that I am the problem! I thought you might be interested in this article that picked up my post and expanded it. He is a great writer so I think you'll enjoy it.”

Read the original thread here.


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