It's an unfortunate fact that there are many privileged people out there who move to be surrounded by nature without really considering whether they like it or not. Along with the breath-taking phenomenon of natural beauty comes the reality that brings it about; just like a rose garden doesn't come about without a hell of a lot of manure, there are plenty of less pretty factors that go into the perfect kitchen window view that property shows like to bleat about.
Nonetheless, not everybody is equipped to cope with this, as @tattedaccountant was recently infuriated to find out. Living in a gated community that is next to a lake, she came across CCTV footage that showed one of her neighbors attacking a mother goose and her goslings for being on his property. After her daughter confronted the man about his behavior, things swiftly got ugly.
Viewers were also incensed at his actions, and their subsequent fallout. There's no denying that being hostile should be a last resort in most situations, but that can be a hard thing to stick to when somebody is meanspirited in the first place.