Modern dating is weird, especially when some of your friends are either engaged, married, or on their way to their second child already. On the one hand, you're super happy for them, but on the other hand, you're just waiting to get a text back from a dude you thought felt the same way you did. It's like you and those specific friend are living entirely different realities, and honestly, you are. The most annoying part is that there a couple of solid guys sliding into your DMs, but you don't want them like you want that one dude who doesn't even treat you like he should. Or maybe he wants to be there for you, but he has to move to some obscure city for a job offer that he simply can't pass up. In short, it's hard out here for a single lady who's looking for love. Scroll down for this week's tweets all about the triumphs and defeats of modern dating.
We're trying to define the relationship but he's already sleeping.
Congrats to Catlyn for realizing she deserves better sooner rather than later.
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