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Reddit Helps Decides Whether Boyfriend And His Dogs Were In The Wrong

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    Here's The Sitch

    Font - My girlfriend (20) and I (21) have been discussing moving in together in the same city, I have two dogs so we were discussing expectations and roles we'd play in the house. The dogs will be my responsibility only, not hers. She likes the dogs and is sweet to them. But last night we had a disagreement about sleep arrangements. She said my dogs can't sleep in our room. She doesn't want them on the bed and neither do I, but she won't even say yes to them on the floor. I have each of them for

    So we mostly explained the situation in the introduction, but here's the full story. This guy and his girlfriend are arguing about the dogs sleeping in the bedroom, and she obviously doesn't want him sleeping in the other room, so they're in a little bit of a pickle. Still, we're a little upset that this guy went on and on talking about his dogs, but he never paid the pet tax! We want to see the dogs, Man! 

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    Reddit Is Always Defending The Dogs

    Font - joyreneeblue · 10 mo. ago NTA. It is okay to be a love me/love my dog person. I know dog people who do sleep with their dogs on the bed and they love that and their dogs love that. Good for them to find something that keeps them and their pound puppies happy. You do you.

    This is where most people came down with their answers. We love dogs, we treat our dogs like family, and they might as well sleep in the same room as you if that's what they've always done. But, as you'll see from the rest of the responses in this thread, most people also agreed that the girlfriend had every right not to want to sleep with the dogs, so there really aren't any assholes in this situation. 

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    Can We Marry Your Husband?

    Rectangle - nyk1113 · 10 mo. ago My husband actually dumped someone he once dated over a comment made about his dog. Dogs are like your kids but they're more loyal and will never grow up and not need you. I'd say that's a pretty big disagreement, and you are most definitely NTA
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    It's Sad, But Probably True

    Font - Icy_Push3877 · 10 mo. ago Partassipant [1] NAH. You've just found out that you're not wholly compatible and probably unsuited to be a cohabiting couple. This is something that it's good to learn if it's true and a valuable, if painful, life lesson for kids your age. You're both so young! Bid each other farewell with gratitude. Stay friends if you can, an opposite gender bestie with no romantic prospect is one of the greatest assets you can have.
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    We Ride For Our Dogs

    Font - Ok-Assignment-6371 · 10 mo. ago · edited 10 mo. ago NAH. I don't know what the solution is, but as someone who just euthanized their almost 13 year old dog, please make this a non negotiable for you and your dogs. You will miss them so much and it would make the mourning process even harder than it already is. You would never forgive yourself or your girlfriend if you slept аpart. Really good on you both to talk about expectations beforehand though, many older adults do not have this leve
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    Oof, Harsh Dude

    Font - sanitation95 · 10 mo. ago Dump the woman. They're a dime a dozen. A dog on the other hand is man's best friend.
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    We Have To Go Deeper

    Rectangle - Esree_sings · 10 mo. ago NAH. But try to figure out what the underlying reason is here and discuss that, instead of bickering over what is the right solution. Try to find eachother in your reasoning. Chances are you will have more understanding of eachother and grow towards eachother.
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    This One Really Tugged At Our Heartstrings

    Font - kazhena · 10 mo. ago Partassipant [1] NAH - I think it's unreasonable to expect the dogs that you've had for LITERALLY half your life (at least one of them) to change their lifelong habits now. It's not fair to them and seeing as you're a package deal, they need to be your priority. She needs to be willing to compromise or it's going to fester resentment and you'll wind up fighting over it. You've already shown you're willing to compromise but she isn't so there's not much more bending th
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    Another Level-Headed Response

    Human body - Alph1 · 10 mo. ago Asshole Aficionado [19]| NAH. She has the right to sleep without dogs in her room and you don't want them out. You guys are both pretty young, wait the 5 years or so and re-evaluate.
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    It's Just Not In The Cards

    Hair - pendulumpendulum - 10 mo. ago Neither of you are an asshole (NAH). But you are incompatible. She set a boundary that you are unwilling to respect, so she needs to find a partner who will respect her boundaries, and you need to find one who is ok with your dogs.

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