One thing about the birds and the bees is that they really don't care for social niceties. Puberty (quite literally) stinks, good and bad sex is far more weird and ugly than anyone ever tells you it'll be, and giving birth is one of the most horrific natural bodily processes known to man.
It's traumatic enough pushing a whole baby out of your unmentionables in the sanitized environment of a hospital, and plenty of newborns don't even have the courtesy to wait for such a thing. However, it's unusual to go into labor somewhere very public, as @elissiaallcoat was witness to.
In a viral TikTok, she filmed herself walking around the budget clothing store Primark, as the screams of somebody who was presumably giving birth could be heard in the background. Viewers had nothing but sympathy for whoever was going through the alarming experience, especially since it was happening in such an unlikely place. At least the kid is going to have a good story about how they came into the world.