This husband voiced his disapproval of his wife's line of work as it was not "up to his wealthy family's standards." This drove the wife to look for other lines of work; she lined up multiple interviews, each of which her husband proceeded to ruin by interrupting the interview and taking it over.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the distressed wife, u/the54756. She finally reached the point where she needed to something about this behavior. So, for this interview she locked her husband out of the room. Now he's sulking and telling her how disrespectful it was to lock him out. She wants to know whether or not she is in the wrong here, her husband certainly thinks she is.
Redditor's are appalled by his behavior and have pointed out the multiple red flags of possible attempts to control her that her husband is displaying. More than commenter has encouraged her to leave him.
Images of the thread and Redditor's reactions below.
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