Boyfriend Prepares Elaborate Steak Dinner For His Dogs, Serves Girlfriend Pizza That She Can't Even Eat

  • 01
    Font - 0.2.0 r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/Delicious_Leg2571 19 hours ago AITA for leaving a dinner date after he fed his dogs a better meal than us?
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  • 02
    Font - Title screams entitlement but let me explain. I started casually dating a guy 2 1/2 months ago. We have gone on several dates; such as movies or dinner at restaurants and the arcade at the Pier near the ocean. It's been a really pleasant time and I dont want you guys to think I dont appreciate this guy, because I do, but this really rubbed me the wrong way. As for who has been paying for the dates- we usually split 50/50. He has paid for me once and I have paid for him twice but the rest
  • 03
    Font - So he knows that I have a Gastro-reflux disease (severe acid reflux that I'm on medications for) I cant eat anything that has red sauces, bbq sauce or artificial dyes such as red or blue. Yes, the medications help but only if I'm sticking to a pretty clean diet. I cant even eat hamburger because of the red dye they use. When I eat the things mentioned above, I feel like I'm having a heart attack. As I said, he knows ALL of this. We have talked about it several times.
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    Font - So he invites me over to his place and says he wants to make dinner. He makes a point to tell me to "make sure you have a strong appetite" so I dudnt eat anything at all since breakfast and I was starving after working all day. So I arrive at 6pm and I see him making steak, eggs, potatoes and corn on the cob (the small ones that you put in pasta salad). It looked and smelled delicious. He puts on a movie while we wait, so I'm in the livingroom the entire time he is cooking.
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  • 05
    Font - Well, he keeps going back and forth between the kitchen and livingroom and on his last trip back, he brings out our plates and much to my surprise, its pizza. I just kind of look at him and ask where the steak and eggs were and he pretty bluntly said that was for his dogs (2 German Shepard's) and stated they eat better than he does. I reminded him that I couldnt eat pizza (red sauce) and he starts arguing that he made sure to not put much sauce on it and kept telling me to just try it. I
  • 06
    Font - Well, he calls me and it sounds like he is having a meltdown. Saying he cant believe I made him feel like that and that the pizza was homemade and he made sure not to put much sauce on it (but he knows I cant have it at all) and said something about adding sugar to it, etc. Said I've showed my true colors. My friends also think I'm overreacting here and said I'm acting jealous of his dogs. AITA?
  • 07
    Font - ServelanDarrow · 19 hr. ago Colo-rectal Surgeon [38] No, NTA. This is what casual dating is for. He seems to have confused dislike of strong sauce (hence the sugar) for an actual medical condition, but it is odd that he can't seem to understand the simple medical explanation. Not sure this has Anything to do with the dogs. 17.0k Reply Share
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  • 08
    Font - JuliaX1984 17 hr. ago Partassipant [2] It worsens the offense because he had all this food she COULD eat and that he's perfectly capable of preparing... but he gave it to someone who can eat other stuff and gave her something cheap and bland in comparison that she can't even eat. The pizza wasn't served due to lack of skills, budget, or time* but as part of a deliberate performance where he invited her to watch him make superior food for someone else. Not sure what satisfaction he gets ou
  • 09
    Font - lumpyspacejams 14 hr. ago I could understand if the dogs had a sensitive stomach in the past, but even then steak AND eggs AND corn (especially corn! They can barely digest corn! There's no reason to give dogs corn!) is an insane power play. At most I'd expect the boyfriend to give his dogs the eggs and maybe some sweet potatoes or chopped up lamb or duck meat if they're that sensitive, and the steak and corn for the human girlfriend with maybe a side of steamed greens
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    Font - Elinesvendsen - 15 hr. ago Also, if he was not doing this on purpose, why didn't he say something when she saw him cooking the steaks? "So, these steaks are actually for my dogs, I'm making something else for us". I mean, after what he told her before dinner, of course she was going to think that the steaks he was cooking were for them and not for the dogs? Also because it's not normal to cook steaks for dogs? Of course she would think this was her (and his) dinner, and he must have known
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  • 11
    Font - Normal-Height-8577- 17 hr. ago The pizza wasn't served due to lack of skills, budget, or time* but as part of a deliberate performance where he invited her to watch him make superior food for someone else. Yeah, that's the key part for me. This guy deliberately put in a performance about the food he was preparing. He got her worked up and expecting something really special, even prepared it in front of her...and then pulled a bait and switch for something he knew she couldn't eat, and tri
  • 12
    Font - krissy_1981 14 hr. ago 100 red flags.... even sending her out to watch a movie so therev would be the surprise element of serving herv the pizza and not the steak. The other red flag is the "meltdown"... instead of making sure she was ok and apologising, he turned it all around on to her. NTA at all!


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