Everyone has those little things to help them get through the day. Whether it's coffee, cigarettes, or chocolate, sometimes a little treat is just what you need to take the edge off. But there will always be those nosy people in your ear telling you that your greatest daily joy is "unhealthy" or "definitely going to kill you one day." That can be a real bummer, but after enough badgering, you might start believing them and consider quitting. This begs the question, is potentially improving your health worth giving up one of life's little joys?
One of the things that fit into this camp is Diet Coke. Diet Coke has a rabid and devotional fanbase (including people who drink it for breakfast) and just as many haters who don't understand the drink's grip on a not-insignificant portion of the population. However, when Twitter user Daniel Crosby (@danielcrosby) shared his experience of quitting the beverage for a month, the Diet Coke stans came out in droves, celebrating the soda they find no reason to live without.