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It certainly takes a special type of person to be annoyed by their partner's discomfort and health pains. It's tough to imagine judging someone who you (supposedly) love so deeply for something that is entirely out of their control and acting like they are being lazy. Even worse when the thing that is causing that discomfort and pain is the fact that they are growing your child inside of them.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the concerned wife who is wondering whether she is wrong for telling her husband that "he has it easy" when it comes to the entire situation at hand.
Why do some husbands completely lose it when it comes to their wife's pregnancy? We're not sure what he thought would happen here. Was he honestly expecting to have less to do? Less responsibility? Just wait until the kid arrives. He's going to be in for a real shock. Better buckle up, buddy, because it only gets worse from here.
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