Redditor Confused Why Their Dating Advice Got People So Angry, Hilarity Ensues

  • 01

    This Isn't Such A Tough One

    Font - Somebody in a dating group was complaining about their past significant others refusing to give up their pets in order to date them. When I told them to just not date people who have pets, they posited that my comment was "degrading towards women", to which I retorted that I thought choosing not to date someone who already owned a pet was actually empowering. After a little back-and-forth between The OP, certain other posters and myself (posters who actually agreed with me), I commented t
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  • 02

    That Sounds More Than Reasonable

    Font - Sensitive_Coconut339 11 days ago I wouldn't date someone who would consider giving up a pet, unless circumstances were dire. It's a lifelong commitment. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 201 draftsman_of_doom OP 11 days ago That is entirely reasonable. 74 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
  • 03

    People Love Their Pets

    Font - KorruptKitt 11 days ago I won't even date someone who shows indifference or dislike towards my pets, pets or animals in general Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 79 draftsman_of_doom OP 11 days ago You're taking care of living breathing beings. It would make sense that you wouldn't choose to be with someone who had no interest in such responsibility. 46 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
  • 04

    Not Degrading At All

    Font - PaintLicker_2022 11 days ago Colo-rectal Surgeon [43] NTA. I'm not sure how that's degrading towards women at all. It's common sense. I'd go as far to say that that person is a giant AH for dating someone that they knowingly want to change and then getting upset when they won't. Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow 131
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  • 05

    Listen To The Duck

    Font - QuackLikeMe 11 days ago TO Colo-rectal Surgeon [49] NTA their pet is Dating someone with the intention of trying to get them to give up selfish as all fucking hell. I just can't even imagine how self-involved you have to be to date someone who has a pet, and expect them to give up their pet in order to date you. 73 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
  • 06

    Grandma Was Right The Whole Time

    Rectangle - chuckinhoutex 11 days ago Certified Proctologist [25] NTA- and you're right. My grandmother used to say... don't date anybody you wouldn't want to marry because love does funny things. Seems like that applies here. 16 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow
  • 07

    This Sounds Pretty Straightforward

    Rectangle - Sigma_Capitalist 11 days ago NTA, if they don't want pets, they should date people who also don't want pets. Reply Share 11
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  • 08

    Date The Person, Not The Idea

    Font - AgoraiosBum. 11 days ago Partassipant [2] NTA; your comment was totally gender neutral. Someone who resorts to that type of response when it has no relevance is just admitting they don't have a good argument. Pets involve thousands of hours of investment of time and care that a new date can't even approach. And a cardinal rule of dating is that you don't try to majorly change another person as a condition of dating - you have to mostly take them as they are (which is different from expect
  • 09

    Common Sense

    Font - Prudent Border5060 11 days ago 3 Partassipant [4] Nta You do not date someone who already has a pet if you don't want one. Or don't like them. When I was single the one thing that I made sure of is nobody could own a cat because I am highly allergic. And for me personally I would never commit to take regular allergy medicine. We all have things that are dealbreakers. You don't ask someone to give up part of their family for your sake. Like a pet because you don't want or like them. Certai
  • 10

    Kids And Pets Are Similar In That Respect

    Font - rak1882 11 days ago Asshole Aficionado [17] NTA If you don't want kids, would you date someone with a child? Having a pet isn't any different. Pet owners oddly enough like animals. If they have a pet now, they are likely to keep wanting to have pets. Reply Share 8


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