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When this tech was told by his supervisor that they could not approve his overtime for working through his lunch break, it was a bit of a setback. However, he quickly realized he could make the most of the situation by counting it towards his 40 hours throughout the week and then leaving early on Friday. Sounds like a win-win, right? When the tech put this theory into practice, it quickly sparked panic and a sudden reversal of the rule.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/maliciouscompliance subreddit by Redditor u/Young-Grandpa, who shared their story with the title "Can't approve overtime? Ok, I'll just leave early on Friday."
Commenters suggested that workers give the following piece of advice to their employers.
"'I can't approve overtime.' Then I strongly suggest you raise this issue with your boss and get the ability to approve overtime, or this will bite you in the a$$," said MadRocketScientist74.
"He was always fighting that battle," responded the original poster. "To his credit, I worked for him two years or so after that, and he never questioned my timesheet again. I even have some stories where I helped him overcome other techs' malicious compliance, but those don't fit this sub."
Read on for screenshots of the thread and, for more, check out this tech who automated his entire job.
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