If there is one thing that we can trust a homophobe will always have, it's a fondness for a catchy and slightly convoluted slogan. It's hard to forget a timeless classic like "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve", or indeed some of the more offensive sayings that can't be repeated here.
What with the gradual advancement of LGBTQ+ rights over this century, many individuals who don't like the idea that gay people exist have been having a hard time of it. The increasing recognition that people of all sexualities deserve equal opportunities has melted part of their brains, if a strange cartoon by Pat Cross is anything to go by.
Depicting a plane a one 'man' and one 'woman' wing on each side next to another plane with two 'man' wings on one side, the comic claims that "'Same-Sex Marriage' Just Won't Fly". The confusing analogy was swiftly ripped apart by Twitter, but the best response undoubtedly came from @PlaneyBoys, who decided to use a flight simulator to prove that Cross was wrong in terms of engineering as well as ideology. The result was a marvel to behold, as most viewers seemed to agree. All aboard the gay plane!