Animal Comedy Newsletter

Bertie the Acrobatic Bearded Dragon Steals Hearts, Eats Bugs, and Does Parkour


Lizards are fairly common animals in this world. You see them basking in the sun near the canyon's edge and sometimes you see them chilling on the sidewalk evading capture from predatory birds. What you don't always see around town is a pet lizard. Especially one that is kept indoors, allowed to run around the house, and does parkour. 


Meet Bertie, the beloved bearded dragon of one Instagrammer. Bertie has become famous online for her audacious speed, dexterity, and her rambunctiousness, which are all traits you would expect to hear for a lazy lizard. But on the contrary, Bertie is a spitfire pet and zooms around the house, raising her pudgy belly off the floor in order to gain maximum traction and speed. 



Not only does Bertie have free reign of the house, but she also has an enormous enclosure where she spends most of her time. In order to accessibly get from her heated summer home to the carpeted adventure-land down below, her owner has created a ramp system that allows her to climb her way up, thus showing off her dexterity and climbing ability as well as her speed.



Bertie also uses her little chicken legs to climb all over the house furniture as well, dominating the couch, charging across the floors, and scaling effortlessly onto upholstered chairs. She truly is a parkour genius. 



This high flying lizard cannot be confined to the floor and furniture alone. No no no, don't be mistaken. Bertie has been trained to leap to death defying heights, fearlessly yeeting herself into the air in order to catch tasty buggies. Armed with tweezers and a dried worm, Bertie's owner has taught her to launch herself to her maximum ability, sometimes causing her lizard to clear almost a foot and a half of space beneath her. That's the equivalent of a human jumping vertically 6x their height. SO THAT'S THE EQUIVALENT OF A HUMAN JUMPING 30 FEET HIGH




Goodness gracious Bertie! So if you ever thought that having a lizard as a pet would be boring or if you thought that lizards were lazy lumps, think again. Bertie the parkour queen and acrobatic lizard has proven you wrong.



Bertie is very calculated when she makes her big jumps 


Jump around, jump around


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