Running Into an Old Friend... Who Turned Out to be a Ghost (Original video)
This woman's whole life is riddled with spooky experiences. She is a medium and dedicates her TikTok to turning skeptics into believers. Her story that changed her to a believer is when she bumped into an old friend of her's. She was around 6 or 7 years old and walking to the store and saw her friend, so she said hey and they walked together. The friend waited for her and then they walked back together. The friend stopped all of a sudden and said that was as far a they could go. The TikToker said bye and kept heading home. When she got home, her family told her her friend was found dead and had been dead for several days now. She couldn't believe it.
Judgement Day
This woman had a very intense dream that she was in the judgement line on her way to face God—she only woke up and realized it was a dream right before her decision was made. She's never been the same since.
Haunted Car Dealership
This man worked in the historical district of Easley, SC at a car dealership that was open until midnight. He worked in the mechanic shop section to clean the cars and prep them to go after being sold. He always heard strange noises when working alone, but choose to ignore them. Until one night he heard his name being called. He was alone in the shop, but thought maybe someone from the lot or offices called for him. He asked everyone there and nobody fessed up to it. So he went back to the shop to work, and heard something loudly explode. He clocked out and ran home. He put his two weeks in after that night.
Passed Family Visits
This man's mother not only unknowingly spend time with her brother after he had passed, she also spent time with her father after he passed. Each time she didn't realize who they were or that they were passed until well after the encounter. She doesn't care if no believes her, she knows it to be true.
Marine Corp Brought Home Demons
This man was in the marine corp and stationed in Serra Mesa living in assigned apartment-style housing with his family. In the middle of the night, the toy radio in his baby's room went off, so he went to check on her. When he got there she was fast asleep so he unplugged the radio and thought nothing of it. He went back to bed and that's when all hell started to break loose… He started making weird noises in his sleep, when his wife woke him the bed lifted with him and his wife in it. They ran off it to get their daughter and locked themselves in a room together, but the door swung open. They all slept together with the lights on for the rest of the night. "I don't care if you believe me or not, " he says in the video. "I swear on my life this is all true."
Walking Dead Bride
Several years ago, this woman and her now-husband were leaving a relatives house when they see a strange woman walking on the side of the road in a very formal dress with big puffy sleeves. She didn't think anything of it until she red in an article that the exact road she was one is considered one of the most haunted places in the U.S. After a quick search, she found an article of a couple who got in a car crash in the '80s on their wedding night and the bride passed. Now, people see her sometimes walking the street looking for her love—and she is convinced that is exactly who she saw.
Blood Point Road
This girl wanted to have a late night adventure with her friends. It was around 3am and they decided to visit a locally-known haunted spot. The road was called Blood Point road and the only house on it was a burnt down one believed to once been occupied by witches. When they got there and started walking towards it in the woods, she felt uneasy, so decided to bail and wait for her friends in the car. As she was walking back she heard something so close to her that it stopped her in her tracks. She simply heard a whisper, but it felt directly into her ear. Following the whisper she felt a hand brush the back of her neck, she even felt her hair move with the touch. She turned around hoping to find a friend was just messing with her, but there was nobody. Chills filled her body.
Supportive Ghost Mother
This woman was going through health issues during her pregnancy. From the start it was rough because she had lost her mother to cancer. When it came near to giving birth, she had to prepare for a C-section. While she was in the room, she saw her husband there cheering her own, and behind him was her mother. Her mother said she could do this, and then her son was born.
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