The Top 10 Liars of the Week Getting Roasted Online

  • 1

    "Karma farmer on r/Antiwork gets called out by airport goer in Austin TX sub"

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    "It isnt only r/antiwork but whole Reddit smh. Everyone reposts and lies for freakin karma." - Groundbreaking-Ad459

    "Any Starbucks not a standalone building is just contracted. The ones in Target, airports, etc are all just contracted. My wife worked at one in a grocery store, and she was an employee of the grocery store, not Starbucks. They also do not get the benefits that a standalone Starbucks offers.

    The "walk out" would have been the Airport contractor's problem." -SuppliceVI

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  • 2

    "This one's a shame." (Referring to the fact that this isn't actually going to happen.)

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    "He actually said 'The studio would probably allow us to make an R-rated Scooby Doo if I asked to do it. However, I do not think it is the time to do it.'" - FenrirNoLoki

    "James Gunn and Freddie Prinze Jr. have been candid saying they wanted PG-13 so they could get away with more innuendos and make it a more teen/adult movie. (Similar to The Brady Bunch Movie (1995), which was PG-13.) But a Rated R version is a stretch." -blond_nirvana

  • 3

    "A story as old as the Internet itself"

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    "Bruh I was there, story is legit." -Hendrix6927

    "Saying something was found on person who is alive, but that something can only exist on dead people, is obviously a contradictory claim." -PeAcHcOwBoYzZz

  • 4

    "Insane customers left a review and our boss is taking no prisoners"

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    "This is a great example of telling someone to go f yourself in the politest way possible." - Stephen501

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  • 5

    “I’m not kidding” - “It was just a joke”

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    "That comment had more recoil than the only gun I've fired." -Gold-Yoshi

    "'I'm not kidding' is the new 'Literally'" - FluffyBebe

  • 6

    "You did not make that knife."

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    "It's probably just a bot since it copied the title (and claim) from the OP." - BurnZ_AU

  • 7

    "Person called out has post of them grilling chicken and sausages."

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    "Don't you know the food chicken is different than the animal chicken[?]" - Agitated_Occasion_52

    "This reminded me of when I was little, and I'd tease my younger sister about the fact that meat comes from animals; she'd look down, do a singular sob, and then proceed to continue eating her dinner." - Nervous_Month_381

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  • 8

    "A lying reviewer on Google was busted."

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    "Soo... They just give away cars without verifying??" -Regalia_BanshEe

    "This is he said/they said, not a verifiable callout/debunk. The dealer could just as easily be lying, and on Google Maps there is no opportunity to respond past this point." -Ursa_Mid

  • 9

    "Guy tries scamming MrBeast."

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    "Nice work to whoever built the chimney." -blisternips

    "One of my favourite past times is to go on Twitter and look into rich peoples comment sections. Specifically Mr Beast." -getrekdnoob


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    "Lying about a famous person for reasons."

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    "Also the timeline wouldn't make sense lol, his proposed shirt would be Simpsons inspired but 32 years ago (when he would have been about 20) the Simpson would have just been starting and definitely didn't have that art style yet." -kwamla24

    "Yeah, generally speaking, the early 90s was well before rappers wearing 'quirky' shirts became fashionable." -ManbadFerrara


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