Pablo Picasso once said that art is a lie that makes us realize truth. The truth isn't always pretty, and sometimes the lies that get us there aren't, either. God knows it's hard to categorize anything that falls under the genre of performance art as attractive. There are other, more accessible types of creativity that fall under this umbrella too, particularly when it comes to portraiture.
Nobody knows this better than all the caricaturists out there. Most might not think taking peoples' biggest insecurities and flaws and magnifying them to a grotesque extent is a great business model, but for some reason they still exist. Some take it a hell of a lot further than others, as proved by an amusing but also slightly disturbing thread begun by @1929stockcrash on Twitter. After stumbling across a Hawaiian caricaturist who shared their creations to TikTok, people were taken aback by just how ridiculous the end results were. One thing's for sure, these drawings are not for those with fragile egos.