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Adios, Karens! Enjoy your stay at the Motel 6 around the corner!
This sign was posted at the door of a local Serranos restaurant in Texas, enforcing a new rule wherein employees reserve the right to refuse service to any "disruptive" and "belligerent" customers from the nearby Motel 6 as well as any rude Karens. A photo of the sign was then posted to this thread on Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/Th3RealStevie.
We dedicate this piece to the manager of this location, who clearly has had to put up with enough BS to create this rule in the first place and who should be an inspiration to anyone working in the service industry and in customer service. Managers everywhere should take note.
We also should point out that your local Motel 6 would be a prime location for your local Karen jail. Any Karens asking to speak to the manager should be immediately checked into a room there and put in a time-out until they've learned their lesson.
This is not the first time workers have stood up to Karens. For more Karen content, check out this story about a woman who threw a fit on a customer service line for being spoken to in Spanish after choosing the Spanish-speaking option. Keep scrolling below for the original sign and for the funniest comments!
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