When you're managing a team of people, it's always important to provide helpful feedback, push goals, and provide incentives in order to keep them engaged and motivated. All too many of us need these things to make it through (what would otherwise be) just another workday —and all too many managers really miss the point— or never got it in the first place.
I'm sure this manager was thinking to themself, “Wowee, the team is just gonna be super duper motivated by this amazeballs poster I printed off of the Google!” as they pinned it up in the break room. I also like to imagine that — after they had carefully placed three color-matched magnets in an equal number of the poster's corners — they took a step back and, with their hands on their hips, admired their handy work. This person also probably has at least two different variations of ‘Live. Laugh. Love.' on the walls of their home and a ‘☪☮℮✡☥☯✝’ sticker on the back of their PT Cruiser.
Job = Done. Team = Motivated. Efficiency = Increasing.
Shortly afterward, the first team member stumbles into the break room to decompress and dissociate (for their entire ten minutes of reprieve) and is met with— this:

Of course, the internet had a field day with this after photos of the poster were shared to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit. They came up with some items of their own that should have made the list and didn't hesitate to mock the manager who thought this would be a good idea.
You've seen the photos, keep reading for the reactions below. For more like this, check out this insane poster that was put up in another break room and restricted the areas employees were allowed to take breaks.

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