If you've ever asked for an advance on your paycheck in order to pay rent on the 1st of the month. You get it. If you've ever had to dig through the couch to find an extra quarter for laundry. You get it. If you've ever watched your 'check engine' light stay on for months on end or if you ever had sleep for dinner. You get it.
Being broke kind of sucks, but they say it builds character, right? If that's true then I've got a lifetime of character saved up and ready to redeem.
Money is the root of all evil, sure, but it would be really nice to have a little bit more of it sometimes. Cash is cool! You can use it to buy stuff! Like food and groceries, but also bills and repairs. Isn't adulthood grand?
It would be nice to go back to the childhood days where you could dig through the cupholders in your parents car and use the coins to buy an ice cream shaped like your favorite Looney Toon character. But alas…