You'd think this lady would be grateful for a free drink, but as we always say, Karens are gonna Karen.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/OkOutlandishness1363, who opened up about an experience working at a McDonald's drive-thru with the obnoxious crazy Karen who threw a tantrum just after 6 am. Essentially, this woman ordered two large hot mochas and then changed her order to just one after the second one was already made. When the innocent woman in training offered her the second drink for free, Karen could not fathom how this food could be wasted and threw a fit. That's when the Redditor tried to step in to explain the situation again, but that didn't do the trick, so much so that she cussed them out on her way out.
Nothing is going to stop Karen from finding a reason to Hulk out and be her full, crazy, infuriating self. We're sending our best to the original poster, whose full story can be found below. For more Karens in the wild, take a look at this one whose freak-out resulted in her husband losing his business.
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