Maintaining a work-life balance can feel nearly impossible sometimes. Or really, the difficult thing is somehow balancing work, social life, and sleep. One has to imply got to give. Maybe take a second a think about which one you have been utterly neglecting. perhaps you owe yourself, or your friends an apology. We're assuming of course that you're not neglecting work because, well, we all need money. Neglecting work tends to not go well in the wrong one if you're hoping to be able to pay your bills. if that's not the case for you, then yeah, maybe you wouldn't care so much about answering those f*cking emails ad making sure to go above and beyond at every meeting.
So whether you love your job, hate it, love your coworkers, prefer to never speak to them again, or just love memes about the things you hate, you'll probably enjoy these work memes.
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