I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Heartwarming Moments Of Cats Comforting Their Humans When They Needed Them The Most

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    "When I had a tooth pulled, I had to crate my dogs overnight the first few nights because I was afraid they would jostle me and hurt me. Normally, the dogs watch over me, put me to bed, etc. Well, when I got up that first night to take a pain pill, suddenly, my gray kitty comes yowling from the bedroom, and kept yowling as she tried to lead me back to bed! She was going to take care of me that night! And then this past summer, I caught Covid, and suddenly my newest cat was cuddling with me at night, snuggling up with me next to my pillow, when she had never shown an interest in cuddling at night - and when I started to recover, she stopped needing to cuddle at night! My kitty girls were trying to take care of me!"

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    "A year and a half ago I had to have my bladder removed and a full hysterectomy due to cancer. The first two months I had to sleep on my couch recliner because I couldn't get in and out of bed. My Dixie slept right beside me every night until I was well enough to return to the bed. Now she sleeps at my feet most nights."

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    "My Gray Grey kitty always knows when my blood sugar is high. She will meow different and keep running in and out of the bathroom until I take my pill."

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    "I caught covid back in April. The first 2 days I had body aches so bad, it hurt if the cats walked on me. Luna was by my side the entire time. She didn't try to lay on me, but she laid next to me and had her paw touching me constantly. Ever since then she sleeps by my side and has to be touching me in some way"

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    "After my car accident my girl wouldnt leave my side. I had a broken rib....made it challenging for me but I didnt deny her ' nursing' me back to health"

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    "whenever I'm under the weather and fall asleep on the recliner, I usually wake up to this. love my fur babies!!"

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    "I wasn't feeling good and got in bed very early. Buster was hiding on the top of my armoire, showed his sweet face, was purring loudly. I said I'm glad someone is feeling good. He immediately jumped down, then came and laid on my chest. He was a feral cat and only likes his head petted. He never lays on me! He purred on my chest and I felt better immediately!!!!! He never gets on my bed and stays hidden most of the time. But that night, he knew he could heal me by being near me!"

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    "This is Zoey ... she can always sense when Daddy is feeling down and comes over to sit with me... she'll nudge me with her forehead til I sit like this so she can cradle in my lap for pets."

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    "He is always there when i need him. He is around 19 years old. I saved him from being sent to humane society. He had some behavioral issues and previous owners had to surrender him. I said no, i will take him. Once i had him he never had any issues. He is perfect. He is my Angel."

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    "My uncle passed unexpectedly 2 weeks ago. Little Miss Toe Beans usually perches on the top of my chair, but she's hardly left my lap for the past 2 weeks. She can always tell when somethings wrong and makes herself extra cuddly and cute for however long I need."

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    "I was in a really dark place and was ready to give up so I got a cat. My oldest cat. The night I got her I brought her in my room and closed the door so she could get used to my room. The people above us were really loud and make a loud noise while I was laying in bed. She got in front of me and started hissing and growling at the door like she was trying to protect me. I knew than adopting her was so much better than getting a kitten. I a black kitten.She was 2 and when I saw her picture I had to have her. Rosetta is a tabby and I love her dearly."

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    Cat - .

    "I fight depression and anxiety, and Jim The Cat always seems to know when I'm down. He loves to be near his humans (my son and me) more than any cat I've ever known. He wants nothing more than to just be with me, and that is quite powerful. Well, he wants treats too, but you get the idea."

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    Cat - O 0

    "When I came home from surgery and could barely even summon the strength to get out of bed, my little Arcana went from non-stop playing to staying by my side 24-7, until I recovered. She's the best little nurse ever."

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    "Let me preface by saying that my sister rescued my ginger baby, Little.

    Little is petrified of my sister. He runs and hides everytime she comes over and panics when he hears a car door shut.

    I had surgery to remove a kidney stone earlier this year, and I was in my room sleeping off the anesthesia with Little laying snuggled next to me. I heard my sister come upstairs to check on me. She walked in and I felt Little stir. I remember her saying something and I remember her leaving. I later found out that she checked on me twice and Little even let her pet him, all because he knew I was trying to heal and I needed his comfort. He hasn't let her touch him since."

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    "A few years ago I started suffering from severe panic attacks, and I had my first one ever near my cat. As I laid on my bed crying, not being able to breathe or do anything I started feeling like I was gonna fall unconscious so I laid my head down and kept having the panic attack. My cat came up to me immediately and started gently clawing at me and trying to get me to play with her. She gave me something to focus on and I was able to calm my breathing. I never trained her to do that, she had never seen anyone have a panic attack before. A few years and a lot of panic attacks later she still does this to me and it's only ever when I'm having a panic attack."


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