'Find your own replacement!': Ridiculous handwritten viral workplace posters and their stupid rules draw the ire of the internet


Sometimes these stupid rules are born from ridiculous mistakes or circumstances that occurred years ago; a previous manager of mine insisted that no two people were allowed within a taped-off section of the break room kitchen at the same time, as he had personally witnessed a horrific hot-coffee incident that had left a worker with severe burns. To the rest of us, his insistence on, and strict enforcement of, the kitchen-zoning rule was hilariously insane. 

Other times these rules are born from the stupid ideals and ideas of the person running the place. Usually, this person has read one too many books on how to run a small business ("How to exploit your workers FOR DUMMIES") or personally idolizes billionaires (with who they share nothing in common.) These people will attempt to implement these “business efficiency” strategies with little care or regard for their workers themselves in the form of inane ramblings posted to the breakroom — they'll then go on to wonder why their workers don't respect them and will resent their workers further for not bowing before their great business prowess. 

There's something particularly infuriating about a handwritten poster — especially when they have little regard for proper grammar. 

Keep reading for these photos that went viral on r/antiwork yesterday and the reactions they spawned. For more,


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