Hey there friends. What's going on? All good in the neighborhood? Speaking of neighborhood's, there's quite a bit of construction going on in our neighborhood lately, and we are not about it. Luckily we have a pawesome Animal Comedy office, where we get to sit together and show each other the very best doggo memes that we found while snooping around on the interwebs on any given day.
Dogs are pure goofballs, and hence- such meme-worthy creatures. We love the pawsitive energy and good vibes they bring into our lives daily. Aside from construction, our neighborhood has a ton of doggos. We love stopping while walking to and from our outings and seeing all of the neighborhood doggos while out on our merry strolls. It's a fact, not a theory, that good boys and girls make the world go round so we are here to share with you a few memes and pictures that prove our point. We sure as heck hope you enjoy them!
PS, we encourage you to treat yourself to our pawesome new products: a cat calendar, and a matching cat & me Christmas sweater!
Check out our store here! Now at specially discounted rates, get them while they're hot.
Check out our Instagram for more hilarious animal content!
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