Be careful what you wish for! These entitled customers kept calling a pizza place demanding for a free second pizza with extra black olives because the first one didn't have enough olives on it. After numerous situations in which this occurred and they got their precious second free pizza out of it, this Redditor felt the need to communicate to these freeloaders that the jig was up, so to speak.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/LiteratureNo3595, who deserves a medal for giving these entitled folks the malicious compliance fiasco they deserved. You want extra black olives? No problem. The original poster proceeded to fill the entire surface area of that second pizza with black olives. Was it a waste? Perhaps. Was it worth it? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Keep scrolling below to see what people had to say in the comments! For more tales of malicious compliance, check out this story about a $0.02 check.
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