Pictures released from "California Alligator Farm" where children and families could ride alligators
California Alligator Farm was Theme Park where families could ride Alligators and play with snakes. It was a major attraction from 1907 to 1953. We wonder why they shut it down…?
Strange occurrence at the Oregon Zoo
Yeah, they definitely "like" the dog. They maybe like the way he smells and think he would be a tasty dinner! Meanwhile the service animal is probably thinking, "Oh boy, we didn't train for this." Have you ever seen animals in a zoo react this way? We haven't!
Jonathan the tortoise turns 190 this month!
Jonathan is now officially the oldest living mammal on Earth! Happy birthday, Jonathan!
Need a job? Sign up to be a professional panda cuddler!
Ummmmm where does one exactly sign up for this job? We don't even care about the salary, just about how many cutie-patootie-pandas we get to cuddle! They look so fluffy! Please please please please please pick us!
Swiss citizens to vote in national ballot on banning the factory farming of animals
Over half of Swiss voters support a ban on factory farming. If it is passed, the constitution of Switzerland will be changed to include "animal's right 'not to be intensively farmed', and new laws would lower animal stocking rates to meet organic standards."
Gorillas in zoo display intelligence with tool use to fix a broken door in their enclosure
Discovered in the deep: the sharks that glow in the dark
"Measuring up to 1.8 metres, kitefin sharks are by far the biggest bioluminescent sharks to have been found"
Scientists released an infographic of animals with the longest lifespans on Earth this month!
Hummingbird with rare colors photographed
X-ray finds 109 live animals in women's luggage at Bangkok airport, Thai officials say
"Wildlife officials called to the scene discovered two white porcupines, two armadillos, 35 turtles, 50 lizards and 20 snakes in the two pieces of luggage."
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