'Can't we just start calling you Jessica? That would be easier': Girlfriend is called wrong name by boyfriend's entire family, thinks he's cheating, turns out to be much worse


When getting into a relationship, there is always that lingering fear of the possibility that your partner is cheating. It doesn't matter if you're in an open relationship, polyamorous, etc., cheating is still possible—as long as the trust was broken, a heart will brake too. However, there are some instances that definitely make you double take with what takes the top of the list for most upsetting reason for breaking up. 

A woman online recently shared a reason for why a relationship in her past didn't work out and the cause is somewhat more alarming than cheating. In fact, she says she would have preferred to be cheated on… Basically, the entire relationship the boyfriend kept mistakingly calling her “Jessica” even though her name is Carly. She was trying to let it go until his family also started called her Jessica from time to time. At this point she thought for sure he must be cheating on her with a girl named Jessica. It turns out his ex-girlfriend was named Jessica and she had recently passed away. Apparently, he found Carly online not too long after his ex's tragic passing, saw that she looked similar to her, and started dating her as a weird way of “coping.” He would even text Carly saying he got her flowers, but then never bring her any—and it turns out he was actually leaving those flowers on Jessica's grave and texting Carly as a way for him to feel like he was texting his ex from beyond the grave… 

Carly ended up ending the relationship because it was all just too weird for her, understandably. When she did, the guy tried to manipulate her by hurting himself and saying she was the cause and that he couldn't lose her again. The operative word being “again.” She didn't fall for it, feeling even more strange about the relationship, and made sure he knew the two of them were definitely over. 


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