'Ghosted' : Men Reveal The Awkward Romantic Gestures That Scared Women Away


Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, as the famous old saying goes (John Grey, worth a read). And it's not that far from the truth — of course, as humans, we all have our similarities, but at the end of the day, the male and female brain is quite different. It turns out that scientists have discovered approximately 100 gender differences in the brains of men and women. These differences are very important and shed a lot of light on the difference in our thoughts, intentions, and behaviors.


According to the findings (scientific terms that we won't bother you with), women are better at multi-tasking, social logic, and memory of words and faces — while men have a stronger connection to spacial/conceptual activities and gross motor skills. Women enjoy romance novels and those sappy Netflix romcoms, while men would rather be gaming or playing sports. Now that we've established some of the differences, we find it important to note that women and men do in fact, speak different languages at times. The social constructs for both genders are very different. 


The easiest example we could come up with is ‘WHY AREN’T YOU LISTENING?' — you know full well that it's usually a woman who says this. And the most common answer to that is ‘I WAS LISTENING’. Because the dude genuinely thinks that because he can repeat the last few words of your story that he was, in fact, listening. Is it that surprising then that when men do certain things, women can interpret them very differently from their intention? This post is exactly about that. While scrolling through Reddit, we happened upon a post on the subreddit ‘AskMen’ (such a juicy sub!) that asked men to share a time when a romantic gesture (from their point of view) made a girl run away. The answers were kind of surprising, and at the same time, not so surprising. 


To be fair, men don't have the same fears about dating as women do. We do share a relatable fear of rejection, of course, but most men are not afraid to meet up with their dates, while we women do have more of an issue regarding potential danger. So some of the comments were quite heartwarming (hint, cookies), but at the end of the day, we could kind of understand where the women were coming from. Of course, some of the women's behavior didn't make much sense, as some of the behaviors men talked about are considered to be super sweet. 


So without further ado, scroll down and have a look for yourself!






To be honest, this just sounds really nice. It shows that he was paying attention to what she was saying. What we wouldn't give for a dude to remember things we mentioned during conversation… where are they all at?





We're a bit conflicted about this one. This sounds like it was done in good humor, and is certainly not a red flag. But some people might like to take things a bit slow, and we can understand how that might be a bit much for those kinds of gals. All in all, he seems really sweet.



Yeahhh… It's crazy that we live in a world where you make cookies for a girl and she throws them out because she can't trust you, but that IS the world we live in. In this case, the girls are 100 percent in the right… This would feel like the beginning of a horror movie, and we refuse to be the first to be d**, thanks.



I KNOW RIGHT. IT'S SO SAD. Who doesn't love cookies?!



Awwww, see this is so adorable! Girls, somebody giving you a flower is not creepy, it's called being a gentleman. 




Haha, this is just a bit awkward, kinda funny to be honest.



Yep, this one is just plain creepy. Anyhow, hope you enjoyed these comments, it's certainly interesting to see the other side of some stories.


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