Why is it that you need to be surrounded by steam, with moderately warm water gushing all over you to think your best thoughts? We all become philosophers in the shower, pondering life, asking ourselves those seemingly important existential questions. Not all theories we come up with are very bougie. In fact, sometimes the thoughts that run through our heads are very, very dumb.
Today, you can find anything on the Internet. Seriously, anything. There is an entire subreddit created for the sole purpose of sharing shower thoughts on Reddit. Truth be told, we're probably not that special. Any thought you've ever thought has probably been thought by someone else. Maybe we're even thinking the same thoughts simultaneously. Some of us actually take to the internet to gouge out the thoughts that are on a free rampage inside of our heads, while others don't.
Sooo, without any further ado, scroll down to check out the latest and the greatest of some accurate and just plain weird shower thoughts we've seen this week. And while we're on the topic of philosophy, check out these stoic classical memes.
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