Going above and beyond at work is generally considered to be the best way of furthering yourself professionally. It might feel a little weird to be essentially doing work that's out of your pay grade for free, but it cannot be said how important doing that work is to learn more advanced skills, grow, gain confidence, and pump up that CV. So, in a healthy workplace with competent leaders, this can be a win-win for everyone: the work gets done, and the employee benefits with growth.
The same can not be said for this same practice within a toxic organization; these organizations have no problem with milking you for everything that you're worth without giving anything in return except for vague promises of compensation and promotion, neither of which is never actually going to happen.
This is what Reddit user u/EricCartmenez faced when they naively took on a manager's role (without the pay) in their first job out of high school.
Keep reading for this epic tale; it's a long read but more than worth the time. For more, check out this worker who exploited a stupid workplace uniform belt loop hole loophole.
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